From The Singer Herself

WEB: Lorde's South Park Cameo Gets Stamp of Approval

From the Singer Herself

Lorde has given her seal of approval to her second appearance on the popular animated sitcom South Park.

In a recent episode of the outrageous television series, Lorde made a cameo appearance via an unconvincingly costumed Randy, the father of one of the show's main characters. The episode, titled "The World of Warcraft," poked fun at the popular online video game of the same name and featured Lorde as a member of the game's in-game band.

Lorde herself took to Twitter to express her approval of her cameo, tweeting, "I'm a huge South Park fan, so it was a total honor to be a part of the show." The singer's appearance on South Park marks the second time she has been featured on the show, having previously appeared in a 2013 episode titled "The Cissy."

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